Gav and Jib's Road Trip

Gav and Jib's Road Trip

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Day 5 - St Flour to Orleans

Nice start to the day - weather OK, feeling positive about the drive. grab croissant and coffee and get on our way. Within minutes we regret last night's statement that it can't get any worse

I mean seriously...

Visibility down to 30 meters or so, HEAVY rain. Snow on the ground... Fuck!

Get as far as Clarmont Ferrand and Gav reveals that his fancy biking kit isn't very waterproof, so we go in search of a motorbike shop. We find one:

Gav then gives 200 Euros to one of his gay biker friends for a waterproof "one-sey". problem solved. decide we deserve a proper feed and head for Bufallo Grill, where chicken wings, steak and salad (for Gav) are devoured.

Time to hit the road again and pray for better weather.


Turns out that the one-sey isn't designed to withstand the worst weather France has EVER seen. Gav adds another layer...

At this point even Gav would have to admit this isn't exactly 'living the dream'. And spends a moment thinking about the nice big, comfy, warm Range Rover currently parked outside his house in  London...

Jib sets aircon to 22 and tries to decide between Marvin Gaye or Plan B. Goes for Plan B...

Before long, the rain starts to slow, and then even stop. Not long after that, the sun even shines. Joy. Although this does remind us what it would have been like had the sun been shining for the whole trip...

We head to Orleans and Gav's spirits are noticeably higher... he even managed a wave!!

Hotel found, we unpack with very little on Gav's mind other than a nice hot bath. Sadly there's bugger all hot water. Gav moans...

All that's left is dinner and we head out on the advice of the hotel manager. can't find the place he directed us to but instead find a lovely little French restaurant with good wines and lots of meat on the menu. proper, nice, tasty French food - Just what we had been looking for. Langostines/scallops and Puilly Fusse followed by lamb/beef and Pauillac. Dinner: DONE!!!

Quote of the day: Jib - 'Are you alright Gav"
                             Gav - "This is getting ridiculous"

Tune of the day: Gwen McCrae "It keeps raining"
Gupdate: was so very brave pushing through the ridiculous weather, but once the sun came out still managed to moan about being cold and wet.

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